An Exclusive, "Re-Release Special" forNext Level Guitar Friends Only ...
Jimmy Page & Carlos Santana Inspired Digital Courses
Imagine the Legendary, Awe-Inspiring Sound of
Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin Pouring Out of YOUR Guitar ... From YOUR Hands ... Naturally
and Easily ... All Because You Watched These
Simple, Step-by-Step Videos ...
Or How About Playing The Amazing, Melodic, Latin-Fusion Sound of Carlos Santana ... How Great Would THAT Sound Coming From Your Guitar?!
Well, it’s true: you absolutely CAN play those classic, bluesy, huge, eternally cool sounds that Zep used to change the music world forever. And those soaring Santana lead lines will be YOURS when you begin to practice these simple moves. Read on to see how ...
Watch the video below for a great sneak preview:
Hello Good People, David Taub here at Next Level Guitar.
Let’s face it, if you're going to learn guitar, then why not start playing the stuff you really want to hear!
Honestly, if you had to pick two of the greatest sounding guitar styles ever played, you’d be hard pressed to find anything cooler and more timeless than Jimmy Page and Carlos Santana.
Listening to what Jimmy Page does on guitar can transport you. As a lead player, he always plays the right thing for the right spot. Jimmy showed that being heavy wasn’t about playing loud. He had this vision of how to transcend the stereotypes of what the guitar can do.
— Joe Perry
Santana was a bigger influence for me than Jimi Hendrix. Santana played prettier.
— Prince
Look, I’m not going to spend a lot of time here making the case for playing Jimmy Page and Carlos Santana, lol.
If you’re like me, they had you at hello — or with their first crushing solo.
(My first time? It was in a dark theater in my hometown watching that classic Zep film, “The Song Remains the Same,” — me, totally mesmerized as Plant sang shirtless in those faded denim bell bottoms while Jimmy Page was doing work, creating these amazing sonic landscapes and from such a diverse amount of material: jamming on slow blues, nailing a huge dense riff, ripping a fast solo or melodically acoustic fingerpicking — you name it, he had a bottomless well of perfectly fitted musical parts to pull from. Sigh.)
And c'mon, what guitar student has not tried to play the majestic solos in “Stairway to Heaven” or “Heartbreaker … or those massive riffs in “Whole Lotta Lovve” at some point in their guitar journey!!)
So yeah, I think we’re all sold on the greatness that is Page.
But I DO want to pass along something he said because I think it’s important:
Said Page: “I believe every guitar player inherently has something unique about their playing. They just have to identify what makes them different and develop it.”
Bingo. He’s talking about YOU. And THAT’S what we’re going to help you do in these new lesson series, absolutely.
So lemme tell you where we’re going with these lessons and how we’re going to get there ...
Introducing …
"Blues-Rock Lead Guitar Series"
Jimmy Page/Led Zeppelin inspired slow blues rock jamming
6-Video Series (Digital Download)
only $19
Six in-depth instantly downloadable video lessons. These total over 90 minutes of pure step-by-step, move-by-move instruction you can pause and watch with on-screen tablature.
A killer instantly downloadable jam track. This is 10 minutes of pure bluesy intoxication that will make you want to practice forever.
A detailed 23-page PDF ebook that coincides with the videos - This valuable ebook gives you crucial tips and charts to speed your progress. You're going to flip when you see the level of helpful detail!
Seen Enough? Then Order Here Right Now ...
NEWLY ADDED 2-for-1 Special!
Grab a SECOND set of lessons if you order today! These additional lessons are inspired by the legendary Carlos Santana and also include a coinciding jam track and ebook.
And now you get this entire additional package at no extra cost:
Why am I throwing in TWO packages for the price of one? TWO reasons:
1) You’re on my special list of email subscribers and I always aim to treat you right.
And ...
2) Because Carlos Santana is the perfect complement to Jimmy Page/Led Zeppelin in style and sound. These two make for an absolutely killer one-two punch in your play!
Okay, Let’s Drill Down and Discuss What This Is REALLY All About
But First, the Question Needs to Be Asked ...
“Alright, I’d love to play me some Zep. But can I???"
Look, of course I’m not saying you will literally BECOME Jimmy Page from watching these lessons. (There was only one, end of story!)
But you CAN learn the same devices he used.
You CAN learn to play many of the techniques Page utilized in his mind-blowing solos.
You CAN learn to think like he did when you see the exact approach he used and (more importantly) WHY.
And absolutely you CAN create similar sounds, and that passionate blend of rich harmonic textures and earthy scales.
Can you really do all this even if you’re a beginner or intermediate player?
Answer: YES!.
That’s because I take you from the beginning, show you everything step by step with close-up angles in high-def resolution, and I annotate everything with on-screen tablature.
Here’s What You’ll Be Able to Do After Watching My In-Depth Lessons Into the Stylings of Jimmy Page and Carlos Santana:
Master the technical elements and soloing approaches that make both Jimmy Page’s and Santana's playing so creative and unique.
Everything you’d ever want to know about gear and equipment so that you can dial in your desired tone even better.
Learn the same combination hammer-on and pull-off techniques and licks to achieve the Page/Zeppelin sound.
Discover certain string bending techniques and practice tips to ensure you are always bending in pitch.
Learn everything in its proper musical context by APPLYING it in a musical context by jamming over custom made backing tracks that coincide with the lesson. (This is HUGE!)
Learn all about scale CHOICES and soloing OPTIONS. (When you begin to see what’s behind what your playing, the fretboard will open up to you like a newly solved puzzle.)
Learn to combine licks for tons of musical sounding ideas from just a few basic patterns.
Go “BIG” by learning to employ dynamics to ramp up solo intensity, build tension, and create huge solo statements.
Learn signature-sounding licks from Page and Santana, but MAKE THEM YOUR OWN to blow away your listeners and unleash the creative guitar god already within you.
Master tons of juicy sounding two note grips that will really add some spice to your single note lines.
Learn how to think rhythmically like Santana and how to vary notes within the same rhythmic motif.
Play Santana-inspired phrasing ideas and licks - and learn all about phrasing strategies and options in the Santana style.
Learn Santana’s trademark trills, long sustained notes without vibrato, unision bends, repeated rhythmic motifs, and melodically simple but rhythmically complex phrases.
Learn how to add color and texture to rhythms by “sliding” into chords.
Can You Already HEAR Yourself Playing In These Two Styles?
Well, You Should! Because These Techniques Are SO Doable
When You Learn Them Using the Steps We Show You
Order Right Now
Or Pull Up a Chair And Let Me Show You What I Mean ...
Wanna Hear Some Samples from This Amazing Package?
Jimmy Page/Led Zeppelin
Inspired Melodic Soloing You'll Learn:
Carlos Santana
Inspired Blues Rock Latin-Fusion soloing:
Zeppelin Inspired jam track preview
Santana Inspired jam track preview
Let Me Be Honest and Reveal Something That Might Surprise You ...
Look, it’s not about being flashy or having the technique to play fast.
Guitar playing is not so much about what you play, but how you play it. And these blues-based guitar lessons are based on crucial concepts such as how you attack the strings, the bending of the notes, vibrato usage and just about every other useful device you can think of. And we go over ALL of them throughout these lessons!
And Here’s a Huuuge Component Other Guitar Teachers Miss ...
Listen, anyone can show you a technique and then leave it up to you to find a way to implement it somehow.
That’s not good enough for me —I don’t like to leave things up to chance! So here’s what we’ve decided to do in this series …
Because I want you to succeed and achieve your guitar dreams so badly, we go one huge step further and actually teach you how to apply the techniques you are learning by playing over the included jam tracks.
I’m talking about real musical application rather than just dry theory.
And wait till you hear these jam tracks! (You can listen to samples right on this page if you haven't already.) These tracks are recorded in the style of Led Zeppelin and Santana and sound amazing! You will be so empowered and motivated to play and practice over the tracks.
Let Me Break Down Everything You’re Getting So That You Can See Why I’m So Excited ...
Includes SIX videos with 90 minutes of lessons, jam track, and coinciding detailed eBook:
Video Modules (a very partial listing):
Video 1 - "Page/Zeppelin inspired tone guitar lesson":
Learn all kinds of tips and tricks on how to dial in these "inspired by" tones. Get "in the ballpark" of that trademark Jimmy Page sound as we go over the gear that we use throughout the lesson series. Learn how pick dynamics and pick attack affects tone. We even go over the guitar you’ll see in the videos, as well as the pickups and sounds that the pickups produce.
You’ll learn how to take advantage of the individual volume controlled pickups on a Les Paul style guitar. Don’t have a Les Paul? No worries — we give you suggestions on how to explore and experiment with all the various sounds you can achieve on your guitar. Also covered in full: the importance of using tube amplifiers, amp settings, EQ settings, how to dial in the best treble, bass, and gain settings and much more.
Video 2 - "Page/Zeppelin inspired soloing application & devices":
This is where the rubber meets the road! You’ll learn combination hammer-on and pull-off techniques and licks, along with string bending techniques and practice tips to ensure you are always bending in pitch.
You’ll also learn “oblique" bending techniques that are very trademark to this style. We’re talking string skipping bends and over-bending techniques that will give you that awesome Page/Zep style. You can also stylize your licks by adding string raking devices, reverse rakes, and "sweeping" rakes into your licks — all are common devices utilized in this style. Also learn to create signature licks by playing through scale patterns. And about the tons of licks you’ll be learning: We demonstrate them at easy-to-digest slow and regular speeds as well as tab them out for you on screen. Learn while we jam over the included jam track and demonstrate the licks and devices. You will actually see and hear what you are learning applied in a musical context jamming over the track. This is huge!
NOTE: All lessons listed on this page are perfect for beginner and intermediate guitar players.
Video 3 - "Page/Zeppelin inspired scale mapping":
Here you'll learn all about scale choices to utilize in this style while jamming over the track. You'll map out scale positions all over the guitar neck. We also discuss various soloing options and strategies you can not only utilize over the included jam track but also apply throughout your lead guitar playing. We go over the chords and chord changes in the jam track and teach how they relate to your soloing and improvising.
Learn different chordal options giving you the ability to play lead and rhythm and the same time! Learn to exploit the 6/8 time signature of the jam track to create cool licks that synch up with the music. Learn how to rework scale boxes to create practical ways to get the most mileage out of the notes by moving horizontally across the neck. Learn avenues to connect notes with devices like hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides to glide into new positions in musical ways. Learn to combine licks for tons of musical sounding ideas from just a few basic patterns.
Throughout this lesson you will learn how to map out and solo utilizing Minor Pentatonic Scales, Blues Scales, and Natural Minor Scales. Learn to become free from having to rely on shapes or patterns all the time and how to open up opportunity across the entire fretboard.
Video 4 - "Page/Zeppelin inspired lick vocabulary ideas":
Now let's put it all together and apply what you have been learning in a musical way! Employ dynamics to ramp up solo intensity, build tension, and create BIG solo statements. Learn to vary your licks and turn one lick into ten licks. And then learn to combine pentatonic and natural minor scale licks together for bluesy sounds.
Master target notes to your advantage over the chord changes and then discover how to connect lick ideas together by working down scales in a musical fashion as well as mixing devices and techniques together over the chord changes. Let me be clear: there are tons of licks demonstrated and tabbed out! You’ll not only learn signature licks in this style, but you’ll also know how to make them your own and be creative and unique while still being inspired by Jimmy Page.
Video 5 - "Page/Zeppelin inspired two note grips and more lick ideas"
In this lesson you will learn tons of juicy sounding two note grips that will really add some spice to your single note lines. Learn to blend these two-note grips or doublestops with your blues licks learned in previous lessons. These grips harmonize the scale notes and provide awesome tones that you can get creative with.
Learn to move these patterns all over the neck and on all the various strings. Learn to slide the grips around the neck and pick out notes individually for awesome sounds in the Page style of play. Learn the trademark sounding Jimmy Page tremolo and hybrid picking of these grips. Learn to harmonize the Natural Minor Scale in 3rds and then create licks that can be played against the jam track. Learn to move the grips to safe landing zones over each chord in the jam track. Learn various way to connect and blend these grips to scales all over the neck.
Video 6 - "Page/Zeppelin inspired arpeggio ideas and licks"
In this lesson you will learn some arpeggios and arpeggio based soloing ideas. Here you will learn to use arpeggios in this blues-based playing style. Learn some great sounding arpeggios and how to tie them into lead lines using Minor Pentatonic, Blues, and Natural Minor Scales.
Learn to rake into arpeggios for added effect, and how to move them around on the neck. Learn to move arpeggios over each chord in the jam track. Or go fancy and learn how to superimpose, or play different arpeggios than the chord you are playing over, for a cool sounding effect. Learn lots of ifferent devices to use with arpeggios when playing over the changes.
Includes: SEVEN videos with over 65 minutes of lessons, jam track, and coinciding detailed eBook:
Video Modules (a very partial listing):
Video 1 - "Santana inspired Pentatonic and Blues licks and runs":
This is a killer scale mapping lesson that we will use as "home base" to jam over the included backing track. In this lesson you will learn about exploring soloing ideas and options drawing from Minor Pentatonic Scales and Blues Scales. The scales are also diagrammed out all over the neck in the coinciding eBook, so you can see them on paper.
We take you through all the scale positions and how to connect them together. Then we start building licks and runs from these scale positions. Throughout the lesson are playing examples with all licks tabbed out with on-screen tablature. Learn how to build licks in each position and then apply them over the jam track. Improve your pentatonic and blues lick vocabulary with this killer lesson all while keeping in that Santana blues rock latin fusion style.
Video 2 - "Santana inspired devices guitar lesson":
This lesson will really get your creative guitar juices flowing as you learn how to draw on rhythmic elements to craft lead lines! You will learn all about the use of rhythm and phrasing in the Santana soloing style. You will also learn to create rhythmic figures based off the rhythm of the jam track. Learn how to think rhythmically and how to vary notes within the same rhythmic motif. Learn all kinds of devices to take simple rhythmic figures and improvise them into countless licks.
You will also learn:
How to map out a scale and apply rhythmic devices to it.
How to utilize bent notes to climax solos.
Trademark 16th-note based runs while keeping the rhythm pattern the same.
Devices utilizing groups of notes and working around the scale rhythmically and musically.
Using low to high patterns and trademark three note pull-off licks.
How to create runs exploring similar lick ideas in different places over the entire guitar neck.
The trademark use of tremolo picking and two-note ideas and runs.
Adding big bends intro your lead lines and exploiting bends in the Santana style to make huge solo statements.
Picking techniques for killer sounds and dynamics.
The concept of unison bends and how to move them around the neck.
Plus you get tons of playing examples and rhythmic motifs that you can make your own.
Video 3 - "Santana inspired ideas using the Dorian Mode and arpeggio ideas":
Using the Dorian mode will take full advantage of nailing that Santana sound. In this lesson you will learn all kinds of soloing ideas and options using the Dorian mode. First, learn why the Dorian mode works over the jam track and how to apply it. We then map out the Dorian mode over the entire freeboard so you can feel confident exploring it to create licks and riffs in this style.
You will also learn how to take advantage of the half step intervals within the Dorian scale patterns. Learn string bending devices using the Dorian mode and moving them around all over the neck. Learn how to combine pentatonic and blues licks with the Dorian mode. You will also learn about playing arpeggios and how to craft them over the chord changes. Learn to move arpeggios around on the neck and how to phrase them together and into flowing lead lines. You will also learn to create lead lines pulling all the devices and concepts together taught so far throughout the lessons.
Video 4 - "Santana inspired phrasing ideas and licks":
In this lesson you will learn all about phrasing strategies and options in the Santana style. Learn to play quarter notes, eighth notes, 16th notes, and triplets against the beat as well as how to craft these notes into lead lines. Learn how to shift gears between your lead lines to shift intensity and dynamics within your soloing.
Learn how to tell a story within your soloing by moving between all the different note choices using these phrasing options and devices. This lesson contains lots of playing examples in the Santana style over the included jam track that you can play along with and put your own spin on.
Video 5 - "Santana inspired chords and arpeggio ideas guitar lesson":
This lesson will open a whole new world of soloing avenues you can play against the jam track! This lesson will increase your chord and arpeggio vocabularies and also teach you how to apply them in musical situations. Learn to play rhythmically using chords and arpeggios through a solo. Learn how to break up your lead playing with some rhythm. You will also learn how to move chord and arpeggio shapes all over the neck. Learn how to add color and texture to rhythms by sliding into chords.
You will also learn how to connect chord shapes up the neck and how to mix them together with scales and single note lead lines. We then teach devices to outline the chord shapes producing arpeggiated sounds to add to your lead lines. This lesson teaches you all kinds of new chordal and arpeggio options that you can try within your soloing.
Video 6 - "Santana inspired arpeggios ideas and licks"
Want to produce all kinds of new sounds and lead line ideas that you can utilize throughout your lead playing? Here’s where we make that happen. You’ll learn more chord and arpeggio shapes that will help you craft unique lead lines. Learn to create licks and riffs from arpeggio shapes.
Learn how to infer chordal movement by outline arpeggio patterns. Learn creative ways to connect arpeggio ideas into motifs and longer lead lines. Learn to slide notes into position to attach arpeggio ideas together all over the neck. Learn high to low arpeggio movements. This lesson incorporates tons of playing examples creating lead lines using arpeggios and connecting them up and down the neck and blending them with our other scales, licks, and devices that you learned in previous lessons.
Video 7 - "Santana inspired tone and gear setting ideas"
In this lesson we teach you how to get "in the ballpark" of the modern Santana style sound. We go over the gear that we use throughout the lesson series. We discuss picking styles and make suggestions on ways to "attack" the strings. We discuss how picking technique is an element to the sound and how you can experiment with these to get different sounds.
This lesson is chocked full of tips on how to dial in your tones. We go over the guitar utilized in the lesson series as well as the pickups used and sounds that the pickups produce. Tips on humbucking pickups as well as how to get in the ballpark of the tone using single coils. We discuss the importance of using tube amplifiers in getting this tone dialed in. We discuss the importance of tube saturation and overdriving the sound. We go over the amp settings, EQ settings, and gain levels to get the needed tones. We also discuss reverb and delay and how they can extend the life of the notes in efforts to nail this sound.
Bottom Line: You’ll be getting on board for Santana’s unique style blending blues, rock, jazz fusion, salsa, Afro-Cuban, and Latin music. He has a certain touch and feel that is all his own and instantly recognizable. His playing is always in control, melodic, and very pure. And YOU will be doing this, too, after watching these lessons.
Blues-Rock Lead Guitar Series
Jimmy Page/Led Zeppelin slow blues rock jamming PLUS Carlos Santana inspired Blues Rock Latin-Fusion soloing
only $19
YESDavid, I want it! Please give me instant access to BOTH of your new lesson bundles (Page/Zeppelin and Carlos Santana) for just $19.00
I understand that this page contains a discount for email subscribers only and may be taken down without notice or until the announced deadline, whichever comes first.
I also understand that I am fully covered by your 100%, totally risk-free, unconditional one-year guarantee, no questions asked.
Here's my Totally Risk-Free,
No-Worries, Guarantee
Let me make this easy for you. Just dive in and soak up all the learning material in this package for 30 days. Put the methods to practice and watch your playing get to the next level all while having fun.
Your purchase is unconditionally guaranteed for 30 days, No questions asked. Period.
Thanks as always for letting me share in your guitar journey.
Keep on rocking!
Let me put a big bow on this and wrap it all up for you ….
How stoked am I to offer this instruction? Well, that would be hard to convey since I love teaching this music so much! But you'll be able to HEAR our passion in every lesson we teach ... and you'll also hear it in each jam track we custom-recorded for you. Give these lessons a try and be AMAZED what it will do for your playing, I promise.
P.S. Remember, you’ll be learning signature-sounding licks from Page and Santana, but we don’t stop there. You’ll be MAKING THEM YOUR OWN to blow away your listeners and unleashing the creative guitar god already within you.
P.P.S. Remember, players of all levels will be inspired by these lessons and will be able to quickly add these techniques and devices to their own playing style.
P.P.P.S. I think you’ll appreciate all the little things I do in this package once you see everything. I’m talking about on-screen tabs and lots of “extras” you don’t get from other guitar teachers. For instance, I’m famous for creating incredibly detailed and useful ebooks that coincide exactly with the lessons. And you’re getting TWO of those with this series. You’ll want to keep them in your guitar library forever and refer to them often. Both are included for free when you order today.
Next Level Guitar - The Web’s No. 1 Guitar Education Resource
Who is David Taub?
I have taught hundreds of thousands of students all over the world through my private lessons, online tutorials, instructional courses, and via my website at I am certain I can get your playing to the next level in the fastest and most efficient manner.
My YouTube guitar lesson videos have over 173 million views and 475,000 subscribers and growing!
My methods work, they get results. Give them a try and I know they will exceed your expectations. Feel free to drop me line if you have any questions.