Hey David here at Next Level Guitar.
I get asked this ALLLL the time ...
"David, how do I go about learning the notes on the guitar neck? Is is necessary? And why is it so confusing?"
These are great questions. Let me clear all this up for you ...
First of all, understand that knowing the notes cold on the neck is VERY important and will give you a HUGE advantage.
Look at some of the benefits you'll experience when you take the simple steps to know the neck like the back of your hand.
You Will:
Listen, if you have tried this before and failed, please know that you are not alone! Honestly, it's not your fault.
The simple truth is that other teachers over-complicate this. It's just not necessary.
Fact is, it doesn't have to be confusing or overwhelming at all. All you need are two things:
That's it!
The good news is, I've take entire process and have broken it down into four simple steps you can use to (finally!) master the fretboard.
I decided to create this new lesson product because so many students have asked me about this, and because it's almost impossible to find anyone who can can break this down for you in a simple, easy-to-do manner.
And that's why I've created this new, "Finally Learn the Fretboard in 4 Easy Steps" video product. It consists of one video and two PDF diagrams.
Grab it here right now, or keep reading for more details:
Here Are the 4 Steps to Learning the Fretboard
Below are the four steps to learn the notes on the neck. You will find that once you learn the 12-note scale and apply it to each string of the guitar, a light bulb will be switched on.
Just knowing that repeating pattern of the 12 notes and how it keeps repeating no matter what guitar string you are on — or where you are on the neck — is HUGE! I have found throughout my teaching career that just that this one principle is one of the single biggest light bulb moments for guitar students.
So let's look at the four steps to learning the neck. Remember to take these steps in order and know this is a process that will take some time — but it so totally worth it! Just chip away a little each day and learn it in pieces and you will master it in no time.
Here are the four steps:
Step 1
Memorize the names of the six open strings in standard tuning. This is illustrated on the coinciding PDF neck diagram that comes with the lesson video.
Step 2
Memorize the 12-notes scale IN ORDER. The order is critical. It works just like the alphabet. Again, you'll see this illustrated on the coinciding PDF neck diagram that comes with the lesson video showing you everything.
Step 3
Apply the 12-note scale to each string on the guitar. Memorize one string at a time, as illustrated on the coinciding PDF neck diagram.
Step 4
Use the octave principle and note learning exercise to tie the whole neck together as taught in the video lesson.
That's it! Be sure to watch the video lesson and work on the exercises daily. Pin that neck diagram to the wall so you can refer to it often when practicing.
Again, everything is laid out for you in this new lesson product, "Finally Learn the Fretboard in 4 Easy Steps."
This video lesson shows you everything, and comes with the two PDF diagrams.
You can begin watching this lesson immediately. Stream it online 24/7 wherever you have an Internet connection, or easily download it to your mobile, laptop or desktop device. Simply watch the tutorial and then use the accompanying diagrams to lock in what you've learned! You will love experiencing what this will do for your playing. Of course, as with all our products, we offer a full 30-day unlimited guarantee. Order now and see you in the lesson!