Hey David here at Next Level Guitar.
Look, even if soloing is NOT your number one priority, you're gonna love this.
Why? Because this incredible tool I have for you will force you to get out of any RUT you might be in.
You'll discover yourself suddenly playing new things ... discovering new rhythms ... playing new sounds ... using different parts of the fretboard ...
So here's what this is all about ...
This revolves around jam tracks, but not in the way you normally think about jam tracks.
So you probably already know this, but it bears repeating — jam tracks can be SO CRUCIAL to your success on guitar.
That's because having high quality, great sounding backing tracks are so motivating and empowering, right? And they're a BLAST to play along with, which makes everything that much more FUN ... which means you'll wanna play more and you'll meet your guitar goals faster as a result.
But here's the problem:
And this is the BIG ISSUE we have solved for you ...
The problem is that everyone else just GIVES you a jam track .. AND THAT'S IT.
They leave you hanging!
No instruction. No written lesson. No guidance whatsoever.
And never mind that even if you did find a jam track out there that sounded half-decent (which can be hard — you get what you pay for out there), there's a much bigger problem ... and the problem is in not knowing exactly HOW to use a jam track to benefit your actual playing!
Let me put it this way ... Having a professional set of paint brushes and paint is NOT going to help you paint a masterpiece if you don't know how to paint! For a jam track to fully serve its purpose, you have to know WHAT to play over it. And WHY.
So here's what we did …
We spent many weeks creating something
you won't find anywhere else ...
... it's a huge vault of custom-made, killer-sounding jam tracks — and every single one of them comes with its own WRITTEN LESSON.
What we did was, we created a massive vault with more than SEVENTY awesome sounding jam tracks — each with its own custom written lesson, specifically for each jam track — and then we put them all in one giant online vault and let some of our students get access.
But here's the thing ...
... a lot of you thought that 70 jam tracks was just too much. So here's what we did ...
We created a "Mini Jam Track Vault" for those who wanted to sample this amazing resource, all for less than the cost of a small pizza.
Want to see for yourself what this jam track system can do for YOUR playing?
More Info About The Jam Tracks:
These jam tracks, which were custom-recorded professionally in a San Diego studio, were inspired by some of the greatest guitar styles we all love so much.
You'll recognize these styles and love them, I promise.
And these tracks come in all kinds of various styles and tempos and keys — classic rock jams ... slower ballad tempos ... awesome Blues tracks ... jazz-infused jams ... atmospheric sounding tracks. We've even got some for BASS guitar!
And these are good for ALL ability levels, acoustic or electric, doesn't matter.
This collection has it ALL. And they sound AMAZING. As I always say, "Life is too short to use crappy sounding jam tracks!!"
So really, this is the ultimate jam track and guitar playing resource, but you GOTTA SEE THIS FOR YOURSELF because of the lessons we made for each jam track.
The secret isn’t in practicing MORE — although you certainly want to practice as much as you can of course — no, the secret is in practicing SMARTER. And that’s exactly what this resource does for you.
I don't have to tell you that playing with what sounds like a full-on band behind you makes playing a LOT more fun. It's a total blast! Look, if you're going to really pursue guitar, then why not make it as fun as possible?
These aren't just random jam tracks thrown in your lap. I literally customized these tracks for your learning with specific written lessons. Almost no one else does this! We do, because we know when we go the extra mile, your playing leaps forward that much faster.
These were professionally recorded and mixed in a high-end studio. You can HEAR the difference, believe me. As I always say, "Life is too short to play over crappy jam tracks!" And we don't cram too much in them either — we leave them wide open and design them so that there's plenty of room for your soloing.
Remember, the secret isn’t in practicing MORE — although you certainly want to practice as much as you can of course — no, the secret is in practicing SMARTER. And that’s exactly what this brand new resource does for you. These jam tracks could easily sell for much more, but because of a special promotion we're running as a test, we're releasing these for just $9.99 if you order before the deadline. Claim these now and then use this resource to take your lead guitar playing into the stratosphere!