Flash Sale expires Saturday,
September 19th, 2015,
At Midnight, Pacific Time

FLASH SALE 48 Hours Only
Strumming & Song Lesson

Grab my "Back to School, Old School Special"
at $52.95 OFF the Already Discounted Price!

Would You Like to Take Away All the Struggle
and Mystery Out of Playing Guitar?

Then Use My Simple Method to Understand Strumming From a Rhythmic Perspective – Learn to Play by Feel Instead of Mechanically Plucking Chords and Notes!

It’s exciting when you discover that anyone can unlock the ability to play an endless array of strums and play songs like the naturally gifted guitarist you’ve always wanted to become . . .

Hello Good People, David here.

It's just a fact ...

Strumming and rhythm are two of the most challenging aspects for most beginning guitarists.

If you sometimes feel like you're all thumbs when trying to learn a new strum pattern, don't worry.

We've ALL gone through it!

And that's why I created my 3-DVD Strumming & Rhythm Techniques Made Simple course.

I have developed a way to teach strumming and rhythm that is so simple and so fun that you will vault yourself to the next level MUCH faster than you ever would have dreamed.

It doesn't matter whether you play acoustic or electric — these lessons take the frustration out of learning to strum and the frustration out of learning strum patterns.

You will also learn how to embellish your rhythms to get your rhythm playing sounding MUSICAL.

This is obviously critical for playing songs, too.   And it's perfect for putting your own spin on songs with your own signature sound.  That is something that never fails to drop the jaws of your friends when you start to play this way!

These techniques are essential for any genre of music you play – whether you prefer rock, blues, pop, funk, country, bluegrass, folk, classic rock or more, these techniques will give you the essential tools and techniques you'll use every day in your guitar journey.

I remove the mystery of learning new strum patterns and teach you how to break strums down and how to understand and digest them rhythmically.

And let's not forget that it's all about playing ...

Songs, Songs, Songs!

Which is why I've created this special package.

Meaning you not only will learn every essential fundamental about strumming and rhythm, but you'll get to practice those new chops on seven killer songs I'm throwing into this "Flash Sale" deal:

Here are the 7 full-length song lesson DVDs you're getting:

"Have You Ever Seen The Rain" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD introduction and tuning – in the short introduction David discusses the format for the coming lessons and how to take what you are learning and blast it across all your playing. David talks about the importance of not just learning songs, but rather learning “from the song”. He also talks about the gear used in this DVD and the tuning played on the song. David also gives out a few tips on learning songs by ear, tuning in general, and the importance of developing your ear.
  • Chords & Licks – in this section David takes you through all the chords, licks, and walking bass lines utilized in this song. You get a real tight shot of the neck so you can see everything up close and personal. David also shows you up close some of the technical aspects of playing the song – so you get a real birds eye view. All along David emphasizes the proper chord voicings, techniques and fingerings to get you playing in the fastest and most efficient manner. He also shows you alternate fingerings for some of the chords that may make it easier for you in your guitar journey. The licks are broken down into digestible pieces and demonstrated and explained at slow speed and at regular speeds.
  • Verses & open chord chucking lessons – this section is broken into three separate lessons where David teaches the verse progression, open chord chucking, and then puts it all together and teaches you the verses with chucking. David takes you through the progressions, rhythms and timings, chords, and strum patterns. These progressions are broken down chord by chord in our easy to digest format. David will take you through the chords in the verses and also teaches the strumming patterns needed to play the song. Added text will flash on the screen with the written strum patterns. David goes over the rhythms and timing while strumming all the patterns. You will also learn the concept of “building” and adding “dynamics” to your music to create emotion, passion, and tension. David then will teach you open chord chucking. The chuck is the rhythmic embellishment that you will want to blast across all your playing. David demonstrates the technique to get your chucking rock solid. He also goes over various strum patterns while utilizing the chuck and the added on screen text makes it all fun and easy. Then it all gets applied to the song as David teaches the chuck in the verses of the song – everything we teach you…..we then apply!
  • Chorus & bar chord chucking lessons – this section is broken into two lessons where David goes over the chorus chords, walking bass lines, and chucking with bar chords. David teaches easier strum patterns to get you going, but also teaches more complex strums with chucking to give you diversity as your strumming and rhythm skills progress. The walking bass lines are taught at slow and regular speeds with the rhythmic feel explained in depth. David then shows you how to embellish the chorus by teaching bar chord chucking. All strum patterns are explained in depth and the patterns are shown with the on screen text. David goes over multiple strum patterns while chucking and also gives you some exercises moving chords around to practice the techniques.
  • Intro & Outro & bonus lesson – in these three lessons David takes you through the guitar parts in the intro, outro, and a special bonus lesson. All strum patterns are explained in depth with on screen text. All song parts are broken down into digestible pieces and played at both slow and regular speeds. David breaks down each lick and explains what notes and frets to play. David teaches how to combine both open chord chucking and bar chord chucking with walking bass lines to really cop the feel of the song. In the bonus lesson David teaches practice exercises with 5 th chords, power chords, and bar chords. These exercises will really help you to master bar chord changes.
  • Chord Library – in the chord library you get up close camera shots of the chords utilized in this DVD. You get a real birds eye view and David explains the fingerings and voicings for each chord. Also included is a mini lesson on 6 th string root major bar chords.

"Last Kiss" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD introduction & Chords – this menu item is broken down into four sub-sections.

    1. Introduction - in the introduction David discusses the format for the coming lessons, tuning, and gear used to play the song. He also talks about the gear used in this DVD and how he gets the needed tones to play this song. He discusses amp settings/effects used, and pickup selection. David also discusses some useful practice tips and the importance of building a solid foundation utilizing proper technique.

    2. Chord Library – in this lesson David shows you all the chords used in the song as well as some added bonus chords that can be used for exercises and embellishments. To make learning even easier and to tie it all together we use on screen text enhancements. David goes over the fingerings, frets, notes, and chords. He takes you through all the chords with a nice tight angled shot of the neck – so you see it all up close and personal. David stresses the importance of consistent fingering and chordal embellishments that you can add fast and easy.

    3. Chord Changing Fundamentals – in this lesson David goes over good chord changing fundamentals. You have to have a good solid foundation to build upon and David will help get you there. He goes over fret hand technique in depth to ensure your fundamentals are strong. David discusses and demonstrates finger position, thump positioning, pinky finger positioning, wrist position and more. He also goes over good chord changing and finger movement fundamentals. He teaches how to properly practice good chord change mechanics and to analyze chord changes to ensure you are utilizing all the proper techniques.

    4. Chord Changing Techniques – in this lesson David takes you through some critical chord changing techniques to help build that solid foundation and to make chord changing as easy as possible. So many students make the mistake of not utilizing the proper chord changing techniques – and that makes guitar frustrating – we take that frustration away and make guitar fun and easy. Up close shots of the neck and on screen text help tie it all together. David explains in depth the proper chord changing technique and gives you a bunch of chord changing exercises so you can hone your skills.
  • Strumming – this menu item is broken down to three sub-sections.

    Strumming, Rhythm, & Timing Basics – in this lesson David teaches you proper strumming, rhythm, and timing. David emphasizes the importance of good musical time and rhythm. He teaches quarter and eighth note strumming with on screen text to make it easy to follow and play along. He explains how to count musically and then ties that in with your strumming and foot tapping. He will teach you how to tap your foot to keep good musical time. David also teaches you all about good strumming technique to help build that rock solid strumming foundation that you will be building on throughout the DVD. He demonstrates proper arm and wrist position and the swath and mechanics of the strum. David also will teach you all about tempo and beats per minute versus notes per beat. These are very important principles that David breaks down with musical examples and makes fun and easy.

    Strumming Pattern – in this lesson David will teach you all about rhythm, measures, and strum patterns. You will learn what gives music its rhythm. He will teach you a strum pattern that you can blast across many, many songs all through out your playing. He breaks the strum down into digestible sub-sections to make it easy to learn. David teaches you to play in time, with rhythm, by utilizing strum patterns. On screen text ties it together. There is a strum along section so you can play along with David to utilize as a practice exercise.

    Another Strumming Pattern – in this lesson David will teach you another strum pattern. Much like the first pattern he breaks this pattern into sub-sections to get you strumming fast. These are strum patterns that David has found students gravitate toward first and can grasp very quickly. You can use these patterns for a myriad of different songs and applications. Another strum along with David helps you practice and apply what you are learning – YOU CAN DO IT! All along David stresses the proper techniques that you are learning throughout this DVD – learn and apply.
  • Song Progression – in this lesson David teaches you the song progression. First he takes you through the song utilizing the strumming techniques and chord changing techniques that you have learned so far on the DVD. David takes all you have learned so far on this DVD and then applies it in this musical song example. On screen text flashes the chords and strum patterns to help you along the way. David breaks the progression down chord by chord. He works on the changes with you individually as you work through the progression. He tells you exactly what to practice and all the patterns and timings to get you ramped up to speed quickly. You can even play along with David in time. David discusses good practice principles and how to master these chord-changing techniques so eventually your chord changing will be automatic.
  • Walking Bass Lines – in this section you will learn about walking bass lines. Walking lines are such a great embellishment to add some spice to your playing. David goes over the bass lines utilized in the song and then teaches how to insert them into your playing to add interest and movement. This technique can be blasted across your playing to certain chordal movements as a great embellishment. You get both wide and close angle shots as well as the lines played at both slow and regular speeds. David goes over the rhythm and timing so you can easily add these lines to the song. On screen text lists the lines and the chords to tie it all together. TONS OF FUN!
  • Arpeggiate & Added Embellishments – in this lesson David will teach you how to arpeggiate chords. This will give your music a different feel than strumming chords. It’s another embellishment or rhythmic technique to add to your guitar arsenal. David breaks down all the notes and teaches you the patterns at slow speed. He also gives you a fantastic exercise to get you started arpeggiating in time. He then builds on that principle as he teaches the arpeggiation patterns for the song. He takes you through the song chord by chord. There is a play along section with on screen text to utilize as a practice regimen. Then David pulls the whole dvd together and get you playing all the techniques you have learned on the dvd – all the rhythm, timing, walking bass line, and arpeggiating is then implemented to play the song. David also teaches you how to add some suspended and add chords to really spice up the progression.
  • Lead guitar – in this section David takes you through the guitar solo. He breaks the solo down and explains each lick at regular and slow speeds with a tight shot of the neck. David demonstrates the solo at different camera angles so you learn it all up close and personal. He shows you the picking, fingerings, frets, as well as the notes you will be playing and soon you will be ripping through the solo in no time.

"Twist and Shout" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD Introduction – in this short introduction Jennifer discusses the format for the coming lessons and the methodology to utilize to piece the song together in the fastest and most efficient manner. She gives a bit of interesting trivia surrounding the song. Jennifer also explains that the song is a simple, three chord song which can be played on either electric or acoustic guitar.
  • Main Riff – here the main guitar riff is broken down into digestible pieces chord-by-chord and played at slow and regular speeds. Jennifer not only shows you the chords and rhythm, but also the pick up line that leads you into the chord changes. You get multi camera angles and two-camera picture in picture action. The camera is then zoomed in on tight shot of the pick hand as we go over the picking patterns in detail. She discusses what fingers to place on what strings and how to cop the feel of the song. Play along with Jennifer as she repeatedly goes over the parts at a slow tempo for practice. It’s all explained in digestible pieces as per our easy and fast teaching methodology. All along we give other tips and tricks to make your playing and picking easier and as fluid as possible.
  • Guitar Chords - in the chord library we take you through the chords you need to know to play the song. We also discuss the proper way to finger the chords to get the proper feel of the song and for fluidity. You get up close camera shots of the fret hand chord fingerings and on screen text ties it all together. We take you in on a very tight shot on the neck so you can see all the chords up close and personal. You will also see the chord names flash on the screen.
  • Guitar Solo – in this section we take the solo in the style of the Beatles break it down note for note. It is a classic solo and you will learn all the parts, all the fingerings and notes. It is such a fun solo to play and you will be mastering it with just a small amount of practice. Tight shots on the neck give you a birds’ eye view of all the notes. We also teach what fingerings work best for fluidity, and how to piece the entire solo together – you will learn it all up close and personal and practice along with Jennifer. She also shows the build-up chord that leads into the verses out of the solo. She explains how to pick the chord using dynamics to build it up.
  • Guitar Outro & Electric Guitar Lesson – this menu is broken into two sub-menus:

    1. Song Outro – in this section you will learn the song outro. Same format as above with every chord and note explained in detail and on screen text to tie it all together. With the completion of this section you will know the entire song – every chord, rhythm, and the solo.

    2. Electric Guitar Lesson – in this section you will learn how to play Twist and Shout on the electric guitar. Jennifer discusses the sound and settings of the guitar and amp best suited to oldies such as Twist and Shout. She explains that the chords and picking patterns are exactly the same as demonstrated in the acoustic guitar lesson. She plays all the parts learned in the previous lessons on the electric guitar to demonstrate how easy it is to play this song on either electric or acoustic. Again you get a chance to practice along in this lesson. This is a versatile song that can be played with whatever type of guitar you are most comfortable with!

    3. Bonus Lesson – In the bonus lessons David teaches several chord changing techniques. These exercises will really help you to master chord changes. David shows you a bunch of different ways to practice the exercises to help push your playing to the next level.

"House of the Rising Sun" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD Introduction – In this introduction Jennifer describes the background of the song, discusses the lesson format, and the structure for the coming song lessons. She also discusses the equipment and sounds used.
  • Chord Library – Here you will learn all the chords used in the song. Jennifer takes you through the each of the chord fingerings with a close-up camera shot of the neck. She shows where to place your fingers and how to hold your hand to get the best sound out of the chord.
  • Main Chord Progression - In addition to learning the chords for the song, you will learn what order to play the chords in. Jennifer also shows the easiest, most efficient way to get from one chord to the next.
  • Video Jam Track - After you have learned the main chord progression, play along with Jennifer as she slowly goes through the chords one-by-one. This section is provided to give you the opportunity to practice what you have learned at a slow, steady tempo.
  • Arpeggiated Picking Patterns - In this section you will learn to play two basic rhythms for the song. Jennifer teaches a simple picking pattern and then shows a slightly more advanced picking pattern, both broken down slowly and demonstrated with a tight shot of the bridge. As you go through the chord progression, Jennifer will show you which strings to pick for each chord so you can easily learn the pattern.
  • Song Outro - In this section you will learn the simple chord progression that ends the song. It is taught in the same manner as the Main Chord Progression section.
  • Acoustic Finger-picking - In this section Jennifer plays the previously demonstrated chord progression on an acoustic guitar. She shows how you can play the picking pattern for the song without a guitar pick, using a simple finger-picking technique. This is a good and simple exercise to develop your right hand and introduce you to finger-picking. The technique is shown with a tight shot on the bridge position and Jennifer tells you which strings to pluck and which fingers to use.
  • Bonus Lessons - In this section you get two full on bonus lessons:

    Practice Chord Changing - One of the most common emails we get here at Next Level Guitar is from students asking for help with chord changing . Bar chords and bar chord changing can be one of the most challenging techniques for the guitarist at this level. However, we will get you there fast. In this lesson David teaches various practice exercises with chords. These exercises will really help you to master chord changes by first getting proficient at the basics of chord changing. David shows you chord changing exercises that will help push your playing to the next level.

"More Than Words" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD introduction – in this short introduction David discusses the format for the coming lessons and his teaching methodology to piece the song together in the fastest and most efficient manner. He also goes over the format for the chords and chord fingerings and the needed performance notes for the song. David discusses how he will teach you to cop the feel of the song by utilizing finger picking and rhythmic slapping of the strings to be used as a percussive effect.
  • Tuning – in this brief section David goes over the tuning for the song and gives you pitches to tune to for each string. David also discusses the importance of developing your ear and he gives you some tips on figuring out songs by ear.
  • Chord Library – in the chord library David takes you through all the chords you need to know to play this song section by section. He also discusses the proper way to finger pick the chords to get the proper feel of the song. So you get camera shots of the fret hand chord fingerings and the pick hand finger picking. David takes you in on a very tight shot on the neck so you can see all the chords up close and personal. So you get up close shots of what to play with both hands – this is critical since this song is finger picked. You will also see the chord names and fret numbers flash on the screen. This added text makes learning even more fun and easy. David also sprinkles in a little music theory to help you along in your guitar journey.
  • Song Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4 – David breaks this song down into four digestible pieces he calls sections. He reviews the needed chords section by section for both the left and right hands and you get multiple camera shots to see both hands up close. David plays each section at slow and regular speeds and breaks each section into smaller sections to really make it easy to digest. He also will show you a practice routine to get you used to finger picking and the rhythmic slapping necessary to play this song correctly. He goes over how to cop the feel of the song and a finger picking style to get you finger picking in the fastest and most efficient manner.
  • Complete song - here David plays the complete song and the on screen text marks each section as it is played so you can use this section as a practice routine to piece together the entire song. These markers really make it fun and easy to practice and play along with David while you master More Than Words.

"Sweet Home Alabama" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD introduction & Chords – this menu item is broken down into four sub-sections.

    1. Introduction - In this introduction David discusses the lesson format, the chord basis for the song, and how to piece the song together in the fastest and most efficient manner. He also talks about the gear and tuning used in the DVD and how he gets the needed tones. He discusses pickup and amp settings as well as different gain/distortion levels.

    2. Chord Library – Here David takes you in on a very tight shot on the neck and goes over each chord that you will need to play in the song. You will also see the chord names and fret numbers flash on the screen with our on-screen text. David also teaches you chord playing techniques to get you playing in the fastest and most efficient manner.

    3. Guitar intro – Here the guitar intro is broken down into digestible pieces lick by lick. You get multi camera angles with the intro and all licks played at regular speed and slow speeds. Camera is then zoomed in on tight shot and David breaks down each lick and explains what notes and frets to play. You see it all up close with a tight shot of both the pick hand and the fret hand. With the tight shot on the pick hand David goes over the strings picked and picking patterns when arpeggiating chords. It’s all explained in digestible pieces as per our easy and fast teaching methodology. All along David gives other tips and tricks to make your playing easier.

    4. Verse rhythms – Here you will learn the two main rhythms in the song. David takes you through each progression, the timing, and all chords and strum patterns. You will learn various strum patterns, and all the licks with both wide and close up camera angles. David breaks everything down at slow and regular speeds and you see all the strum patterns and chords also written in on screen text.

    5. Chorus – In this section you will learn to play the chorus section two different ways. They change up the chorus a bit but David takes you through all the embellishments. David also teaches the common technique of embellishing with 6th chords. All the strum patterns, string muting, and chucking are covered as well as you will have all the strumming patterns taught with on screen text.

    6. Guitar solo – In this section you will learn both guitar solos. David goes over in easily understandable pieces every lick and note played in the shorter guitar solo, and the very long second guitar solo. Each lick is broken down and played at slow and regular speeds as well as demonstrated and explained with a tight shot of the neck. David also discusses the theory behind the solos and what scales and mode the leads are mainly taken from. He also teaches what you can play over the chords if you want to improvise a solo when playing with your band or friends – so you can trade off licks and leads and know what will sound great over the Sweet Home Alabama chord changes. David also teaches what fingerings work best for fluidity, and how to piece the entire solo together – you will learn it all up close and personal – every bend, every hammer-on, pull-off, vibrato, as well as every lick is broken down and played at slow speeds!

"Santeria" DVD Song

(normally sells for $24.95)

Click Here for a detailed description of the above DVD

  • DVD introduction – In this short introduction David discusses the format for the coming lessons and how to piece the song together in the fastest and most efficient manner. He also talks about the gear used in this DVD and how he gets the needed tones to play this song. He discusses amp settings/effects used, pickups, and the reggae and dub feel.
  • Chord Library – in this lesson David takes you through all the chords you need to know to play this song. He also discusses the proper way to finger and play the chords to get the proper feel of the song. He goes over reggae techniques like muting chucking, releasing of pressure, and killing chords to get the reggae sound. David takes you in on a very tight shot on the neck so you can see all the chords up close and personal. You will also see the chord names and fret numbers flash on the screen. This added text makes learning even more fun and easy. David also sprinkles in a little music theory to help you along in your guitar journey.
  • Intro & Outro – In these two lessons David takes you through the guitar parts in the intro and outro to the song. All song parts are broken down into digestible pieces and played at both slow and regular speeds. David breaks down each lick and explains what notes and frets to play. You will learn how to arpeggiate the chords in the needed patterns to get the proper feel of the song. David takes the parts chord by chord and really breaks down all the needed strum patterns and picking patterns. Tight shots on the neck are used to get a birds eye view of the guitar. All along David gives other tips to make your playing easier and to capture the proper feel of the song.
  • Verse and Chorus – Here you will learn the main rhythms to the song verses and chorus. David takes you through the progressions, rhythms and timings, picking patterns, chords, and strum patterns. These progressions are broken down chord by chord. David goes in depth to teach you how to play on the offbeats to capture that reggae/dub feel. You will also learn how to accent the proper beats while strumming to cop the reggae feel. Text is flashed on screen so you see all the patterns written out as David explains them. David breaks everything down at slow and regular speeds.
  • Guitar solo – In this section David takes you through the entire guitar solo. He breaks the solo down and explains each section lick by lick at regular and slow speeds with a tight shot of the neck. David will demonstrate what scale the lead is mainly taken from and how you will be soloing by playing over each chord, or treating each chord like a separate event. David teaches what fingerings work best for fluidity, and how to piece the entire solo together – you will learn it all up close and personal – every bend, every double-stop, and every lick broken down and played at regular and slow speeds! You will learn all the needed hammer-ons and pull-offs, half step and whole step bends, vibrato, and double stop bends that make this solo so very cool and hip!
  • Bonus technique lessons – this section of the DVD is broken down into two separate technique lessons. These lessons will help you understand, and possibly expand on, the techniques and concepts that are used in Santeria. David goes deep into the below techniques and explains them in depth with up close shots tight on the neck.

    1. Reggae rhythm & timing lesson – in this lesson David takes you through three reggae rhythms and progressions. David goes over all the chords and takes you through an in-depth lesson on the reggae feel. You will also learn how to spice up the progressions by adding embellishments and various percussive elements to your playing. All chordal progressions and strumming patterns are broken down and explained in depth with the patterns written out on screen. David breaks each strum pattern into multiple parts to get you playing them in the fastest manner possible. He also talks about what pickups he uses on his guitar to get that cool reggae sound.

    2. Hammer-on & pull-off lesson with exercises – in this lesson you will learn the proper techniques to use when playing hammer-ons and pull-offs. David goes over some of the most common mistakes made when attempting these lead playing techniques. David explains the importance of finger strength and dexterity and how that will improve your tone. With up close camera shots, David teaches the proper finger positioning and all the tips and tricks necessary to get these techniques solid. He also gives you tips on string muting that will clean up your playing and help eliminate string noise. You will also learn a series of exercises to help improve finger strength and dexterity while practicing your hammers and pulls.

BONUS #1 — "Explaining Tablature" DVD

Tabs can be an AWESOME tool, but geez Louise, it can be hard to figure out what all the weird little symbols and notations mean. This DVD shows you everything you need, plus you'll get some little known tricks and secrets that can make them even better. This will help you master songs faster, and will help you really nail down the perfect rhythm and timing.

BONUS #2 — Beginner Guitar Ebook.

This 39-page written resource is something you'll want to keep forever on your guitar journey. It gives you all the information you need in one handy guide. This includes: learning the parts of the guitar, how to read chord charts, fret hand techniques, chord fingering techniques, strum patterns, practice tips, how to better utilize your pick, frequently asked questions, essential "must-dos" and much, much more.

Every one of these songs is an all-time guitar classic!

And believe me, we go DEEP on each DVD — a full TWO HOURS of high-def, close-up instruction from multiple angles with nothing left out. It's totally step by step, you won't miss a thing.

So let's do this! Take your strumming and rhythm to the next level and put it to good use with these song lesson DVDs.

FLASH SALE 48 Hours Only
Strumming & Song Lesson

This is $52.95 OFF the regular price!

And, As Always, You're Covered By My
Rock Solid, No-B.S. 100% Guarantee ...

Here’s my Totally Risk-Free, No-Worries,
“Rock On” Guarantee

Let me make this easy for you. Just dive in and soak up every lesson on my 10 DVDs for 365 days. Put them to practice and watch yourself playing guitar and having fun in the shortest amount of time possible.

How cool is that? You’re in control, not us.

So dive right in and soak up the lessons. Put them to practice and watch yourself playing guitar and having fun in the shortest amount of time possible.

Your purchase is unconditionally guaranteed for 365 days, no questions asked. Period.

ROCK ON, Good People!

P.S.  Remember, we "do all the little things" with our lessons to make learning is EASY for you! First, we annotate the lessons with our on-screen tablature. Which means you see all the licks and scales written on the screen in clear view, making it easy to follow along and start making music. Second, all riffs and licks are broken down and explained and demonstrated at slow speed and regular speed so you don’t have to keep hitting the rewind and pause buttons. Third, we also make expert use of multiple camera angles, and close ups of the neck, fret and pick hands, so you see all the action up close and personal. And finally, you have an ebook that helps tie everything together and something you'll own and use forever as part of your own guitar instruction library.

P.P.S. Imagine how great it will feel knowing you can produce licks on demand, all because you took the time to learn what's behind the lick. This is the big secret, and you learn all that more in these DVDs. Come join me and let's do this together ... let's make this the year you really meet all your guitar goals.

Next Level Guitar
The Web’s No. 1 Guitar Education Resource

Who is David Taub?

I have taught hundreds of thousands of students all over the world through my private lessons, online tutorials, DVD products, and my instructional website at www.nextlevelguitar.com I am certain I can get your playing to the next level in the fastest and most efficient manner. I am one of the most subscribed guitar teacher gurus in ALL of YouTube.

My YouTube guitar lesson videos have over 132 million views worldwide.

My methods work, they get results. Give them a try and I know they will exceed your expectations. Feel free to drop me line if you have any questions.

My email address is: [email protected]

© 2015 Copyright NextLevelGuitar.com | 2033 San Elijo Ave Suite 254 | Cardiff California 92007