"Want to Give Your Blues Playing a
Stunning 'Head-Turning' Quality That
Makes You Sound Way Better Than You
Already Are?"

Then Take This Collection of Our Favorite Turnarounds and Immediately Sound More Authentic, Professional and Soulful — Easily and Quickly Without the Usual Frustration

Get the Digital Version of
This 16-Video Series
for just $14.99

Hey David here at Next Level Guitar.

Did you know there is a “secret sauce” to killing it with the blues that’s been sitting underneath your nose (and ears) since you first picked up the guitar?

Not only that, but this type of musical phrasing is so simple ... and so effective ... that when you hear the incredibly soulful and authentic blues sounds pouring from your guitar, you will wonder why you didn’t focus more on this sooner.

I’m referring, of course, to the Blues Turnaround.

Make no mistake: Mastering a pocketful of great turnarounds is perhaps the fastest and easiest way to take your blues playing from “just okay” ... to mind-blowingly awesome and, dare I say it, legendary.

But fair warning: Mastering the Blues Turnaround can feel like a mountain to climb if you don’t attack it in the way I’m about to show you.

In fact, there’s a way to instantly adopt these turnarounds into your playing that’s faster and more efficient than you would have ever guessed. More on that in a minute.

Before I tell you how we do this, let’s first look at WHY this is so crucial for anyone who wants to play the blues ...

What Every Guitarist Must Know
About Playing the Blues ...

First of all, if you don’t already know, the term “turnaround” refers to a musical figure played over the I and V chords in the last two bars, setting up the form to repeat.

Few moments in music are as climactic and cool-sounding as the final two measures of the 12-bar blues.

Look at it this way. If the 12-bar blues is the “meat and potatoes” of blues guitar, then the turnaround is the dessert that ties it all together.

It turns good into GREAT.

It takes ordinary and makes it MEMORABLE.

It takes you from the living room couch to front stage in your favorite bad-ass blues bar.

(So to speak.)

Just know this ... by mastering some turnarounds, you’ll be embarking on an essential part of the blues guitar journey.

And by the way, the turnarounds I have for you will work for TONS of other blues progressions, too, whether it be 8 or 12 or 16 bar.

The Turnaround is where you make your strongest statement.
So why not make it positively awesome?

Well, THAT’S what I have for you today ...

Introducing ...

Sweet 16 Blues Turnarounds
A New 16-Video Series from Next Level Guitar!
(Good for both Acoustic and Electric)

This new product contains:

  • 16 Digital Lessons Totaling More Than 1 Hour of Video Instruction
  • 18 Turnarounds taught with step-by-step instructions and on-screen tablature
  • 6 Free jam tracks in a Variety of Tempos and Styles

only $14.99

Here Are 4 Reasons You Should Grab These Lessons
Now While They’re Priced So Low ...

Have a BLAST!

These lessons are not difficult to learn at all. Most are simple. They’re enjoyable and FUN to play. One reason is because the lessons break everything down move by move and employ some killer jam tracks that make you feel like you’re already in a blues band.

Instant “Blues Cred”!

Your blues playing will immediately sound more authentic. (You’ll instantly sound like you’ve been playing for years even if you are a beginner.) These turnarounds were carefully chosen for their great sound and historical significance. You will love them and you can embellish them any way you want to “make them your own.”

Awesome Variety

Look, even if you already know some turnarounds, these additional turnarounds will give your playing new variety. Tired of the turnarounds you’ve been playing forever? These new turnarounds will reinvigorate you. Bottom line, you can never have enough of these essential phrases!

Based on the Legends

These lessons are inspired by some of the greatest bluesmen who ever picked up a guitar: Robert Lockwood Jr., Robert Johnson delta blues inspired, T-Bone Walker, Buddy Holly, Jimmy Reed, Eddie Taylor, Lightnin' Hopkins, and Muddy Waters.

Look, EVERY blues guitarist needs a bunch of
turnarounds in their toolbox.
This is not optional.

And not only that, but you need to be able to be able to play them in different keys.

Simply put, you don’t have “chops” unless you can pull a few turnarounds out of your pocket at a moment’s notice.

So get them now, and let’s do this ...

only $14.99

WHY Did We Create This Product When It’s Already Well-Known That Turnarounds Are an Essential Requirement for Playing Blues Guitar?

Look, I get it. It’s not exactly breaking news that Blues Turnarounds are a crucial way to sound awesome on guitar.

But then we discovered something fascinating ...

... after talking with our students over the years, it became clear that while virtually everyone knows the huge benefits of having a pocketful of blues turnarounds, not many had actually learned more than one or two.

There’s a few reasons for this:

First of all, for some weird reason, even though turnarounds are so easy to master in just a few minutes per day — and they represent an unrivaled way to add variety and spice to your playing — they also remain overlooked by too many!

Perhaps this is because people (beginners especially) have a tendency to stay with the same few things they learned initially.

But that leads to boredom and repetition, and it’s not exciting for your audience either.

The solution is simple: Learn something that’s not at all hard to do, and then sound like a pro immediately :-)

And we realized something else ...

Too many feel overwhelmed trying to find the BEST turnarounds online. For example, there are many thousands of videos on YouTube ... but which turnarounds are the best?

Well, that’s subjective of course, but the turnarounds we teach you in this lesson series have stood the test of time

Not only that, but most lessons teach them in a haphazard way — without accompanying jam tracks ... without on-screen tablature ... without leaving nothing to chance for your success.

So I decided to change all this.

No more endless searching online. No giving up because the instruction was lame.

No more playing the same old thing. No more excuses.

The lessons in this collection were carefully curated from our best lessons. These are the “cream of the crop” when it comes to blues turnarounds.

This will save you time — talk about convenient! And when you learn the first few of these turnarounds in the fast and efficient manner we teach them, you’ll be motivated to learn MORE.

And Don’t Forget — We Go the Extra Mile with the
Six Awesome Jam Tracks
You’re Also Receiving. Here’s Why That’s So Key ...

I want to mention something important about these lessons ...

Unlike so many others, we don’t just haphazardly film some lessons and then call them “done.”

We take pride in going the extra mile. In addition to the on-screen tabs, don’t forget that you’re getting jam tracks with the lessons.

This is important because it gives you that application — the ability to practice in a musical context and work on fitting that turnaround into the progression and working on the timing.

And THAT is how you get it all dialed in! Take advantage of the low introductory price we’ve temporarily put on this product and let’s get started ...

only $14.99

Here Is A Quick Summary of the Video Lessons You’re Getting:

Lesson 1
Intro lesson on easy Blues Turnarounds to get started with.

Lesson 2
Turnarounds - Rhythmic Basics - The 12-Bar minor blues rhythmic pattern & rhythmic devices lesson

Lesson 3
Turnarounds - Delta Blues in the style of Robert Lockwood Jr.

Lesson 4
Turnarounds - Another Delta Blues turnaround in the style of Robert Lockwood Jr.

Lesson 5
Turnarounds - More Robert Lockwood Jr. inspired Delta Blues turnarounds.

Lesson 6
Turnarounds - One more Delta Blues turnaround Lockwood style.

Lesson 7
Turnarounds - Robert Johnson delta blues inspired turnaround guitar lesson.

Lesson 8
Turnarounds - plus chords and rhythms in the style of T-Bone Walker.

Lesson 9
Turnarounds - Learn a jazzy blues turnaround guitar lesson.

Lesson 10
Turnaround guitar lesson 50s style inspired by Buddy Holly.

Lesson 11
Turnaround lesson that works for a slow blues.

Lesson 12
Turnarounds - Jimmy Reed style blues guitar turnaround lesson.

Lesson 13
Turnarounds - Another cool turnaround lick inspired by Jimmy Reed.

Lesson 14
Turnaround guitar lesson in the style of Eddie Taylor.

Lesson 15
Turnarounds - Lightnin' Hopkins, Muddy Water inspired guitar lesson.

Lesson 16
Turnaround devices in a Bebop jazzy blues feel guitar lesson.

Grab Our 1-Hour
"Sweet 16 Blues Turnarounds” for Just $14.99

Grab this course right now and take your blues guitar playing into the stratosphere!

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