Bar chord techniques and bar chord changing techniques pt1 BackClick Here To Select Another LessonPlaying and mastering bar chords course introductionBar chord preparation with the Fmaj7 chordMore bar chord preparation with the Dm7 chordBar chord preparation with the 4-Finger “F” chordNote name learning across the fretboard for bar chord applicationLearn power chords and 5th chords on the way to mastering bar chordsPower chord changing exercises and techniquesPseudo bar chords and exercises on 6th string rootsPseudo Bar chords and exercises on 5th string rootsMore pseudo Bar chords practice exercises and techniques pt1More Pseudo Bar chords practice exercises and techniques pt2Suspended 2nd FULL-ON bar chords and moving them around the neckSuspended 2nd Bar Chord progression practice exercises and techniquesMajor and Minor bar chords off 5th and 6th string rootsMore Bar chords on 6th string roots – minor, major, minor 7th, minor 9th, 7thBar chords on 5th string roots – minor, major, minor 7th, major 7th, 7thBar chord techniques and bar chord changing techniques pt1Bar chord techniques and bar chord changing exercises pt2Challenging practice exercises with long progression practicing bar cords, strumming, rhythm, and more!Course Outro – Final thoughts and more tips on mastering bar chordsCategory: DD Learn and Master Bar ChordsInstructor: David TaubTotal Time: 8:14 minPlease click below for digital video version: Download Video Now ← PreviousNext →