Em Csus2 Rocking Fun Jam

This rocking track is a lot of fun to play over as it is very up-tempo and gets you grooving. There is lots of space in this track to solo while being expressive.

The key is E minor and it’s a two-chord change going from Em to Csus2. Remember that sus2 chords do not have thirds in them, (1,2,5), so technically they can be considered either major or minor so you can get creative with them.

What relates to all:

Since we are in minor key we can instantly consider utilizing E Minor Pentatonic & Blues as one soloing option over all the chords. In general pentatonic scales sound great over rock tracks.

E Minor Pentatonic & Blues  = E, G, A, Bb, B, D

Now let’s examine the chords to determine which minor mode we can solo over all the chords. Notice there is no major IV chord or minor ii chord so we can also utilize E Natural Minor, (same as G major), over all the chords.

Try E Natural Minor, (Aeolian Mode), to exude a sad, modern, dark sound. The Aeolian Mode is a seven-note scale often used in blues, rock, jazz, and many other musical genres.

Aeolian is considered a minor mode and is always the 6th mode in any major key. Aeolian produces a sad, dark sound that is different than minor pentatonic and Dorian. It adds melodic half steps and more lick and string bending avenues. Natural Minor scales sound great over minor chords.

If you are not familiar with Natural Minor you can use the concept of major vs. relative minor to play major scales. Every major key has a relative minor key that has exactly the same notes in it. So you can use that to your advantage. The relative major of E minor if G. E Natural Minor scales have the exact same notes as G major scales:

E Natural Minor = E, F#, G, A, B, C, D

G Major = G, A, B, C, D, E, F#

(Same notes – just emphasize the root of the mode, E.)

So if you know some major scales or just more familiar with major scales, play G major scales but start on and emphasize the E notes and it will become E Natural Minor. This is the crux of playing in the modes of the major scale.

Also try mixing E Minor Pentatonic & Blues with E Natural Minor, (E Aeolian mode). You can create killer sounds going between the five-note pentatonic scale and the seven-note Natural Minor scale.

Treat each chord as a separate event :

  • Over the Em chord try E natural minor, (=G major), E Dorian, (=D major), and E Minor Pentatonic & Blues.
  • You can try a few major type devices over the C chord, but staying more in the tonality of E seems to work best. But try some C Major Pentatonic over the C chord and see how you like it.


Next Level Guitar was born in 2005 by co-creators Tim Gilberg and David Taub. They were of the first to bring video lessons to the online guitar community and with their innovative and fun teaching methods quickly built a huge following. Over the years Tim and David have taught hundreds of thousands of students all over the world through this website how to play guitar or how to get their guitar skills to the next level.

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